Friday, October 08, 2010

Are you ready for the Holidays?

Here is the start of the Holidays.
Halloween Hot Pads.

Friday, September 24, 2010

M&M's any one?

My version of the M&M people. Well one of them any way. But she doesn't look much like the Green girl, Muscle one.
O, well back to the creative stage for her and see if we can't make her look more girlish.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

International Crochet Day

I have not blogged in a while. Over the summer I was running a nana camp for my grandkids. But, now I am back and ready to blog and get back into my knitting and crocheting.
I have started out with International Crochet Day. I have a friend who keeps saying she wants to start back into crocheting but hasn't done it yet. So I put together a little gift package for her . It is not much, but a begining.
Time to get started my friend.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great small Gifts

Need something small and quick for a gift? Bookmarks , you can never go wrong with them they make the perfect gift.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

March's project

Well I finally got this finished before Easter. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Making this month

This is what I am working on this month. Should have it done in the next two weeks and hanging up.

It is called ; He Is Risen Design by Connie Volk.
 It is in: Annie's Favorite Crochet   April 2006
Skill leve intermediate . It calls for DMC Cebelia size 30 crochet cotton, Size 10/1.15mm stell crochet hook.

But I am useing bedspread cotton size 10. Size o steel crochet hook by boye.

 The first size is 161/2 x 26 in.  But is coming out bigger due to hook size and thread size.


Friday, March 12, 2010

I made these three fruits for my Husband. He was wanting them for work. The people he works with can not have these fruits due to health reasons, that is why they have the sad face.
I found the crochet banana pattern on ravelry.The tomatoe and the orange were very easy to knit.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Heart People

Another creation for the Grandkids.

I used size 10 Bedspread cotton.
Size 0 Boye steel hook
Pattern fromLeisureArts Holiday Pot Holders By Maggie Weldon (The Heart Hot Pad). Make two. Number Leaflet 2560
Arms 24 chain st, turn Double crochet 2 st in the second chain, and two Double crochet sts all the rest of the chain fasten off. Change to white and single crochet in every double, fasten off. Make two. Sew to heart.
Legs chain 40 st, Turn Double crochet 2st in second chain and two Double crochet in all the rest of the chain fasten off. Change to white and single crochet in every double, fasten off. Make two. Sew to heart.
Eyes: make two. Magic circle make 12 half double st join to the first. fasten off. Sew to heart.
Mouth Chain 8. attach to heart.
Join the two Hearts together as stated in LeisureArts Holiday Pot Holders for the Heart. With white.